Workshops of inTruST project

Partner schools develop scenarios that deal with different aspects of inquiry-based learning and are evaluated and implemented internally at each school and then externally by the project partners.
5 learning, teaching and training workshops will be held at the partner schools and at the National Technical University of Athens, with teachers from all partner schools.
The workshops deal with individual aspects of inquiry-based learning, and each hosting partner school deals with the topic in which the school has particular expertise.

Workshop Description

Workshop 1

at BG/BRG Schwechat and GTVS Vienna
Teachers experience the “best practice STEAM education” workshop with the focus on Technic and Design. Beginning of reflective cycle of development of workshop resources and lesson plans.

Workshop 2

at Institut de Sales, Viladecans, Spain
Teachers learn how to motivate students of primary and lower secondary education to increase their interest in science through IBL. Teachers experience practical activities and discuss the factors that influence student interest in science.

Workshop 3

at BG/BRG Gmünd, Austria
Teachers experience best practice scenarios on IBL in a science lab. Continuation of the reflective cycle on implementation of IBL in classrooms.

Workshop 4

at Escola san Josep, Terrassa, Spain
Teachers experience and discuss best practice examples how to increase the interest of primary school pupils in science

Workshop 5

at NTUA, Athens
Teachers evaluate and extend their experience with communities of practice (CoP) to share IBL scenarios with colleagues in their schools.